Monday, July 27, 2009

9 weeks and 6 days to go...

So Saturday Jade was officially at the 30 week mark. I am so excited! I can't wait to hold that precious miracle. This past week I have experienced Braxton Hicks contractions. Well, let me tell you that I really understand what fake pains are. I remained at work all week though, so that made me feel better about myself! Ha!

I am currently in the stages of packing THE hospital bag. Just because What to Expect told me too! LOL! I totally trust that book with my life since I have NO clue as to what to expect! (no pun intended!) We are going to put the carseat in the Tahoe after our shower on Sunday just to be ready. Plus, who knows when she will decide to make her entrance into this world. Better prepared than not, that's the way I roll. I am a checklist freak, so you better believe I am working on that at the moment! I am also compiling a "who to call list". If you would like to be added, let me know! Jill is going to keep everyone updated through the cell phone/facebook I hope and hopefully it will be a quick labor! :) We are just so excited and ready and nervous, and all sorts of emotions. Well if you have any advice as to what to pack, let me know!

That's all the excitement for now! Oh, hope to see you at the Baby Shower next Sunday. 1-4 pm at the Marble United Baptist Church! Baby Jade Party as Julie calls it, and she thinks there will be party hats! Ha! Talk to you all soon!

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