Monday, March 4, 2013

It's the little things...

I have always thanked the good lord above for every blessing that has came my way. I remember those 3 1/2 years we tried to get pregnant before we had Jade that I even prayed to God thanking him for that trial and accepting that if it wasn't his will for me to have kids I would love him through it all. Today I realize that I don't thank him near enough for even the to simplest things like all the toys that are laying in the floor for me to pick up. Without those I wouldn't have my kiddos to love and squeeze on. The air I breathe I even take for granted.

We have been so blessed recently by the Gibson family and their amazing story about the adoption of sweet precious Parke Henry and even though they knew he had heart problems before his birth they were accepting and thankful for the opportunity to give him love and a family and to use his life as a testimony of god unfailing love. Sweet Parke was exactly a week older than Kinley. He went to be with Jesus after 7 weeks on this earth. I will post a link on here tomorrow to Lindsey's blog (his momma) because I have felt so much love and true faith from them. It has renewed me and helped me to see past the hustle and bustle of everyday life and to appreciate every second and to thank God for even the simplest things.

Please help me pray for this sweet family that God will bless them, hold them, and give them a peace like they have never known!

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