Sunday, September 16, 2012

Best Day EVER! Ha!

Yesterday was very eventful. I noticed on Friday that I was having a terrible cramp in my stomach that lasted for just a little while and would come and go. They actually got so painful at one point though that I was getting sick and ended up being sick all night long with them.

I ended up calling the doctor's office and they told me to get to labor and delivery ASAP! I failed to mention that My husband was 45 mintues away in a tree stand so I had to call him (he wasn't upset though thankfully) and he rushed home to get me there. Blood tests, a lovely cervix check by a female and her tag a long 20ish year old buddy, multiple blood tests and urinalysis later we find out that I have a UTI (being a woman ROCKS!) that is double the amount a normal one is which is causing my contractions. Ugh. Dehydration also was partially the cause of it all too.

Anyways as soon as I got out of the ER we had to book it back to Marble to meet the dealer with our new ranger. Could the day have been any better?

Geez. Needless to say we stayed home from church today so I could rest/drink as much water as possible/clean my house. I'm sure the doctor wouldn't mind. Thankfully Kenny has done all the heavy lifting and has promised to watch the kids so I can take a nap this afternoon. We will see how the last bit goes.

The BEST part of yesterday... being so knocked out by my meds from the doctor that I slept through the WHOLE HOGS GAME. So glad that happened! Wow!

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